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Usui Reiki

Your journey to self-mastery 

Just for today. 

Do not anger.

Do not worry.

Be humble.

Be honest.

Be compassionate towards yourself and others.

Just for today.

Every morning and evening join your hand in prayer 

Pray these words to your heart and chant these words with your mouth.

~ Mikao Usui

The Usui Way

Reiki has had its many changes from its original form. Brought to the west by Hawayo Takata through the teachings of Dr. Chujiro Hayashi, the practice of Reiki once a personal journey of transformation and self-healing to now being more of a complimentary addition to a massage or something you administer to someone else.  My desire is to get back to the roots of Reiki through the practice of the Usui way. 

The Usui way was a one on one teaching process Usui used on many of his students prior to becoming involved with the Imperial Japanese Navy. He would teach his students one on one where he would visit weekly with his students often reviewing personal obstacles, goals and objectives of their personal growth. He would provide an empowerment each week, stabilizing and weaving the Reiki deeper into their awareness. 

I have developed my mentorship specifically for each individual that comes to me. In addition to the empowerments you will also receive that levels attunement under the Usui Shiki Ryoho process. The combination of these two creates a very unique and personalized experience. 

-First teaching - 

Stepping onto the path of self-healing and cleansing the energy system. Opening to the energy through receiving empowerments.

-Inner teaching- 

Deepening self practice, the spiritual teaching of mindfulness and oneness. Strengthening your ability as a channel, becoming familiar with specific energies.

-Mastery teaching- 

Mastering the practice of self-healing and continuing the life long journey of self-discovery. 


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